Thrive - Self Healing with Ayurveda | 5.09 GB
Explore Ayurveda through five pathways in this series that brings ancient wisdom to modern life.
01. The Docuseries
- Ancient Medicine, Modern Application - Learn how ayurvedic wisdom can help you enter into a deeper relationship with yourself and the natural world around you.
- What is Blocking Your Vitality? - Release stagnant emotional and physical toxins, known as ama, in order to live a more positive, conscious, and connected life.
- Your Body's Blueprint: The Doshas - Discover how the doshas, the three primary energies of ayurveda, are a gateway into living authentically in your unique, bio-individual body.
- What in the World to Eat? - Learn the basic principles of an ayurvedic diet and come to understand food as your pharmacy to release toxins and increase vitality.
- Healing Emotional Struggles - Learn how your system not only digests food but also emotions. Discover ways to release stuck emotional and mental patterns.
02. Tutorial Videos
- Ayurvedic Morning Rituals - Start your morning with self-care using this short routine that consists of personal prayer, simple movement, and an exercise to connect with nature.
- Ayurvedic Sleep Rituals - Align with the cycle of the day as ruled by the doshas and learn techniques to help fall asleep and stay asleep.
- Ayurvedic Self-Diagnosis - Read the signs of your body to understand your imbalances using tongue examination as well as facial and body type analysis.
- Self-Massage for a Nourished Nervous System - Release anxiety, detoxify your organs, and exfoliate your skin with two techniques: raw silk glove brushing (gharshana) and oil massage (abhyanga).
- Oral Care for Radiant Health - Purify your nose, ears, and mouth with practices such as nasal flushing, oil pulling, and tongue scraping.
03. Cooking & Recipes
- Ayurvedic Chutneys for Healthy Digestion - Transform mealtime into a healing feast with fresh vegetable, spice, and fruit chutneys tailored to your body type.
- Ayurvedic Spices for a Balanced Body - Learn to create spice mixtures catered to your dosha type. Each mixture strengthens digestion, reduces inflammation, and balances your system.
- Kitchari: An Ayurvedic Cleansing Meal - Clean out your digestive track and remove toxicity from your body with this nourishing and delicious dish made of rice, lentils, and spices.
04. Yoga Practices
- Yoga for Strength and Stamina - Kindle your inner strength while grounding your energy into the earth in this powerful flow that will work your lower body and open your upper body.
- Yoga for Digestion - Strengthen your core and boost your metabolism with vigorous asana, heat-generating pranayama, a 6-minute ab routine, and cleansing kriya.
- Yoga for Rest and Relaxation - In this slow-moving hatha flow anchored in the heart center, we will soothe the mind and invite a deep relaxation into our bodies.
05. Meditation Practices
- Chakra Meditation for Dosha Balancing - Balance your seven principle chakras as well as your doshas using mantra, visualization, and sacred geometry.
- Mudra Meditation for Self-Healing - Summon the healing potential already within you using mudras (sacred hand gestures) that will build your energy and reduce anxiety.
- Heart Space Meditation - Ignite emotional transformation by venturing into the five layers of your body and mind, known as the koshas, before arriving at your heart.
- Calming Cooling Pranayama & Meditation - Channel the cooling, soothing energy of the moon and arrive at deep stillness using Chandra Bhedana pranayama and contemplative meditation.
- Sound Healing Mantra Meditation - Chant a powerful and soothing mantra in honor of Lord Dhanvantri, the god of medicine. Then, enter into a radiant body meditation.
- Energy Balancing Pranayama & Meditation - Equilibrate the polar energies of your body with Nadi Shodhana pranayama and a meditation. In balance, you can live in tune with your true nature.
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