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Finite Volume Methods in C ++

Finite Volume Methods in C ++

MP4 | h264, 1280x720 | Lang: English | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz | 8h 8m | 4.44 GB

What you'll learn
Engineering Students
Fluid Dynamics Students
CFD Students
Basic knowledge of Object Oriented Programming in C++
Basic knowledge of the Fintie Volume Methods
Must have read atleast one book about the Finite Volume Method ( preferrably Ferziger and Peric's book)
This course will teach you the basics of programming Finite Volume Methods(FVM) methods in C++. I would not say this is an easy course to finish because it involves quite a lot of coding with implementations of lots of classes and functions. However, if completed successfully, I believe you will learn how to use:

- discretize a co-located grid for the FVM method.

- create vectorFields for velocities, pressure, etc..

- call boundary conditions and create specific macros to shorten for loops

- creation and handling of finite matrix class which handles coefficient matrix and source matrix

- finite volume operations such as diffusion, convection, time derivative, pressure source, divergence,etc..

- Linear Matrix Solvers including SIP(Strongly Implicit Procedure), PCG(Pressure Conjugate Gradient)

- Overloading of operators for ease of addition/subtraction/etc of matrices and fields

- Pointers and Reference for Fluid dynamics programming

- Writing results to tecplot format.

I have tried to explain as much as I can in every video lesson which is why this course got a bit lengthier than I had hoped. However, it should be exciting and rather fun if you are interested in fluid dynamics. There is also couple of theoretical lessons which should make things easier.

Furthermore, the course can be carried out in any of the IDES. I used CodeLite to complete the programming, however, the option remains open to use Code Blocks, ecplise, VIM, DevC++ or visual studio (whichever you are comfortable with).

Good luck!

Who this course is for:
Beginner CFD Students
Programmers of Fluid Dynamics

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